Vladimir Tsanko: "Only after passing the crucible CID can be a real policeman"

The life of man is always bumpy, full of sudden twists of fate, problems, problems. They alternate with joy, emotions, happiness. But the main thing - do not lose humanity, sensitivity to another's grief, support, monitor, and sometimes - nAvita save and protect. In carrying out their professional duty not only hours of stay in the service. That is always guided by the principle of Transcarpathian police veteran Vladimir Tsanko. Vladimir V. Tsanko - wise, sensible and respected person in the province. Having 30 years of his life the police, he is now in service, beingstupnykom head of the Regional Council of the Association of Veterans of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Holiday tunic retired police colonel decorated with numerous awards. Here, the President of Ukraine award, medal "For faultless service" third degree "Plaque of MIA of Ukraine 'badge of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine" For faultless service "1st and 2nd degree medal" Veteran of Labour ". For highand professionalism, selfless fruitful work in the internal affairs, training, education of young workers Vladimir V. was awarded a medal of the Association of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine medal MIA "With the assistance of authorities of internal affairs of Ukraine" insignia Interior Ministry of Ukraine "legality, honor, professionalism" "For extLesta and courage in the service of criminal investigation "and others. Iron endurance, integrity, honesty, responsibility both for his work and for the work of subordinates, knowledge and high moral principles of dignity allowed to go to the police the way in 30 years. Those years were hard, full of different situations where every day could be the last, and eachact decides human destiny. It is possible to reach heights in career development, find understanding and gain respect in the team. But he had to work and district inspector and head of the Criminal Investigation field and the first deputy chief of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region. In Mukachevo Gorotdel future regimentsnickname started the operator panel of centralized protection Department of private security. Later - service in the army, higher legal education in one of the leading universities of the region, and then - Uzhgorod MVVS work in the rank of police officers. Persistence, diligence and successful work lead to a rise in official step: Inspector prolaktyky inspector, senior inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department, Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigation in operational work, the chief of the Criminal Investigation Uzhgorod MVVS, head Velykobereznyansky police department, the head of Uzhgorod MVVS, Head of Criminal Investigation Internal Affairs, Deputy Head of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Transcarpathian region, head of department on workHuman Resources, later - head of public security police Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region. - Not for armored cabinets or power "on top" to work - says Vladimir Vasilevich. - The Honourable work, dedication, directly involved in each investigation and make yourself vigilant self-controltheir job for a decent policeman. A full and objective disclosure of the crime, just punishment of the offender - the best comfort and personal victory in the grueling police weekday. A police crime on its fate has always lacked. Resonant, heavy, needing only to attract the best and most experienced employees. Generally, Criminal expandUK - a kind of test of endurance and professionalism, a real challenge for any policeman. Nayzaplutanishi case, huge public and media pressure, the most dangerous situations in the investigation, the highest difficulty level - all these factors contribute to make informed decisions and operational, constant supervision and self-discipline, season'sarakter. In professional circles operatives there is a perception that those who passed the crucible of Criminal Investigation, fully hosted as a real policeman. You can imagine the left, moral and physical effort is worth the whole manual control when your shoulders coordination, effectiveness, staffing issues, generally whole livelihoods trusttion body. This page is a life too was passed Vladimir V. dignity. Upon his retirement, the veteran is not moved to the slow pace of life, and continues to work for a civilian job. A police work in practice become indispensable in performing their obligations and relations with citizens. In police busy life, buLA him and work in government and local government. I managed to serve the good of individuals and deputy - first Velyky district, and later - Uzhgorod city council, heading the parliamentary commission on law and order. - On the side of reason against the absurd, on the side of law against lawlessness - that has always been the credo milliShareholders Vladimir Tsanka. And now Vladimir V. actively participates in regional activities of the Interior through the veterans' organization. Keep in touch with the current generation of operatives, helping their invaluable experience, advice, guidance. Unites around him fellow veterans. That's been for 10 years for him wasat a tradition every day to gather with friends and colleagues in the service of a cup of coffee, discuss the news, life and service plans. We wish veteran inspiration, strength, long life and success in all endeavors and accomplishments in the name of law, justice and goodness. Protect continue to principles, which carried through his life. Dianand expensive, Uzhgorod CF MIA

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/