In the Zhytomyr region in Korosten operatives arrested a young man who robbed the country club

workers Korostenskyi Gorotdel CID officers arrested a resident of the district center for stealing musical equipment. He seized the stolen part. Ongoing pre-trial investigation. By the next part Korostenskyi Gorotdel Milicath appealed Village Head. Stremyhoroda of notification of theft from club music technology. At the scene police found that the attacker was in the room at night, breaking window glass. His prey were DVD-player, stereo, speakers, CDs and other property. In the course of search operations workINEC criminal investigation established that a criminal offense committed previously convicted 25-year resident of the district center. During the sanctioned searches, conducted at his residence, police seized a portion of the stolen equipment. Moon admitted that he already had something to sell at the local market. - Currently husband announced that suspicion will makeAnnie criminal offense under the ch. 3. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Korostenskyi CF Zhmida. - The suspect faces from 3 to 6 years imprisonment. Korosten CF MIA Ukraine in Zhytomyr region
