In Volyn tried fraudster who sold nonexistent cars from abroad

hooked cheater caught five people. Obmanuvshy gullible buyers attacker joins your bank account 276 thousand. Earn easy money cheating husband first tried in 2012, for which he received the first conviction. Then the decision Kovel miskraion husband Court awarded USD 1,700 fine. However dodger realized that deception - a rather profitable business and thus established a clear criminal scheme, which began work successfully. Volynyanyn was looking Intrenet clients on the network. One of the famous sites selling cars, ads placed on the provision of services for the acquisition and Maynsportuvannya cars from abroad, and their clearance. For Ghostly by car crook requested deposit customers. Typically, pre-paid customers almost half the cost of vehicles that allegedly promised to buy them, people in Poland. Deposit amounts were different from 40-50 thousand to 100 thousand per vehicle. Funds Buyersand transferred to the bank account volynyanyna or the accounts of his comrades. Later, a man perfected fraudulent scheme: rozihruvav whole theatrical performance. He met with clients near the customs post in Rava-Ruska, Lviv region, where getting from them money as a deposit for the ordered car. Then, neretynav Ukrainian-Polish border, saying that the same day, the owner will get the goods. Customer expected but conman phoned customer from Poland, indicating the need to pay additional funds from the customs broker, and therefore requested to transfer an additional 10-15 thousand. Then the scammer disappeared. When fooled tion from buyersmanaged, promised that no vehicle, no money they do not see the statements addressed to the police. Actions "businessman" pretrial investigation qualified under Part 2 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. As a result Kovel City Court Volynskoi region declared a man guilty of a criminal pravoporution, appointing his sentence - two years' imprisonment with a probation period of two years. In its decision the court ordered the defendant to pay the victims for 197,586 thousands of work orders for property damage and 9 000 - moral. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
