Vinnitsa again meets Hasidim (+ photos)

Every year on the Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashanah in Uman Hasidim come from all over the world. So Rabbi Nachman charged them, the founder of Bratslav Hasidism, whose tomb is located in the town. Uman. In his books he wrote that those who come these days to his grave and pray - will have a blessing at vecamping year. That is why go all Hasidic movements, and rich and poor and small adults, even in wheelchairs and on crutches to beg a happy year. According to Daniel Earley, Vice Rabbi of Vinnitsa region, "Arrival of Israel in various ways to Uman - through the airport" Borispol "," Odessa "," Juliani, "" Lions "checkpoints" Shehyniand "" Yagodyn "," Rava-Ruska "," Krakivets "," Platonic "," Tisa "," Porubne "and others. And the most convenient course through the airport "Vinnytsia", which meets a kindly and located closest to Uman. Total lasts 3.5 hours flight from Israel to the winery and almost 3 hours by bus to Uman. And who are interested to call to the village. Bratslav, where once Mr.Rabbi Nachman rozhyvav. " Vinnytsia airport takes Hasidim seventh consecutive year since 2009. In preparation for such a large number of passengers, the airport is a special check on compliance with aviation security regulations, take additional measures to ensure law and order, speed customs clearance and organized transportationI Hasidim to the place of pilgrimage. Religious community "Beis Menachem Lubavitch Vinnitsa" provided checkpoints translators, and given the Hasidic feature food, the mini-cafe with kashernoyu food. Noticeably each table is "tzedakah" - a box for donations to the poor of the people of Israel. However, for all timeour stay there fell a single coin, however, assured Daniel Earley, every self-respecting Jew, always postpone a tenth of their income to needy people. "This year, unfortunately, only 9 scheduled flights, and is about 2 thousand people. We hope that next year, thanks to the advertising of travel agencies and pilgrims made their quantitativeTh will be much more "- said Rabbi Shaul Horowitz Vinnitsa region. "The first charter flight to the winery came especially distinguished guests - representatives of the family of a famous rabbi of Ukraine. Tvyeriya (Israel) David flogged - said Shaul Horowitz. He rebuilt the substantial financial assistance to Jewish shrines in Medzhybizh and Hnnopoli (Hmelnytska area) Uman Gadyach (Poltava region) and charitable dinners organized a large number of people. " September 9, Vinnytsia airport was especially fun. Israelis acquainted with views of Vinnitsa, singing and praying. This will be the next day. Departure is scheduled for 16 and 17 September. Within Hasidic programs through aerOporto "Vinnitsa" made pilgrimage trips Orthodox believers from all over Ukraine to Christian holy sites in Israel. Typically, the cost of tickets in the two sides are from 300 to 600 dollars. In this period tickets can be bought from 130 to 200 dollars. This year, take advantage of this opportunity more than 600 people. Regional state administration takenall necessary measures in order to Hasidic program and the program "Orthodox pilgrim" within our region was carried out properly to Vinnytsya airport had gained popularity and prospects for the future. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
