Addressing employment and employment of disabled persons in Vinnytsia region (+ photos)

Volyn NGO "Association for Protection and the disabled" Open Heart "from 8 to 10 September held a three-day National seminar" Organization of employment of people with severe disabilities as a way to improve quality their lives "as part of the Ukrainianprogram NADU: "Promoting social movement of women with disabilities and parents with children with disabilities." In his opening remarks, the Regional Representative NADU in Vinnytsia region, chairman of the Association of protection and assistance to disabled "Open Heart" Svitlana Demko, said that an important aspect of the seminar is to familiarize participants with CCIuyuchymy forms to ensure employment of people with various disabilities, to ensure through personal participation in master - classes and Vork shops, gaining knowledge and practical skills to work organization therapy and creative methods to attract people with severe disabilities. The organization of the event zaluchylys executivesecond director of NGO "National Assembly of the Disabled of Ukraine" Natalia Skripka, Head of Family, Youth and Sports Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Sergei Cherniavsky, Director of Vinnytsia regional center of social services for families, children and youth Stoyalova Elena. On the agenda was discussed: "Equal rights - equal opportunities" - ConventionUN and Ukrainian legislation on apprenticeship and labor employment of people with disabilities; "Normal work for unusual people" - the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of people with disabilities, through the establishment of a system of employment (adapted workplace, individual workplace at home, row group, social workshops, Ruralkohospodarski workshop, comprehensive workplace); Presentations from the personal experience of the Association "Open Heart" in the creation of jobs; exchange of experience "Ensuring employment for people with disabilities - realities and possible changes in inclusive decision-making" (based on foreign and Ukrainian experience, "Supported placing inBath - improving the quality of life and empowerment help people with severe disabilities in the community "; discussion and exchange practical experience "Integrated Workplace" Kangaroo "- to do labor and the socialization of parents of children with severe disabilities," "work therapy. The use of creative techniques - the ability to attract young people from diffeopportunities with them, "" Finding the right job training and employer to employee adoption with disabilities with the help of the Employment Center "," Organization of vocational training for people with disabilities "," Organization of vocational training for people with disabilities. " During the discussions, leaders of public organizations of disabled persons (members and partners NADU) andparents (guardians) who care for young people with severe disabilities familiar with existing forms of provision of employment of people with different types of disabilities and had the opportunity to personally participate in master classes and Vork shops. This was reported in Winnieversities RSA
