In the Zhytomyr region, each district head position is responsible for the timely start of the heating season

Preparing for the heating season - one of the priority tasks facing the government. A significant rise in the cost of natural gas, the transition to alternative fuels, complex implementation of energy efficient technologies and measures on energyberezhennya on strategic objectives. Therefore, the Head of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration Serhiy Mashkovskaya conducts personal interviews with the heads of districts and cities of regional importance. "Each district head position is responsible for the timely start of the heating season. People should not suffer from your late work "- nakedolosyv Sergey Mashkovskaya. Head Popilnya Roman Subotenko State Administration has reported that schools, kindergartens, hospitals and water and sanitation district is 100% ready for the autumn-winter 2015/16 year. However, housing is ready to work only 80%. This year, planned to transfer to alternativesatyvni fuel boiler five secondary schools: the villages Andrushko, October, Makarovka, Myrolyubivka, Romanivka. These objects made construction documents. In the area of ??energy efficiency program adopted Popilnyansky district in 2015-2017 years, which provides for compensation measures with interesttavok on loans granted to the thermo housing ATO participants, invalids I and II groups, large families. Last year, in the villages and Polesie Schorsivka Korostensky district clinic and first aid stations were transferred from gas to alternative heating. The amount of estimated natural gas savings will be about 30 thousand UAH.Also replaced outdated Sushkivskiy solid fuel boilers in the district hospital to a more modern and enerhozaoschadlyvi. This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State Administration
