Chernivtsi: Mayor Alex Kaspruk vetoed the decision of the session to establish servitudes three plots

Mayor Alex Kaspruk suspended the decision of the City Council of the VI convocation of 03/09/2015 p. 1724 On consideration of applications to provide business land areas to establish servitudes ".It is the decision of the City Council, which set three land easements land on Independence Avenue, 84-86 for the construction and maintenance of buildings Trade (placement of commercial halls). From the content of the decision of the city council shows that land on Independence Avenue, 84-86 provided for inorystuvannya for construction and maintenance of buildings of trade, which by its nature is a legal right to lease the land. Land Code of Ukraine stipulates mandatory lease of land that are owned, as a result of the land auction. Given that the decision of the City Council with VIklykannya on 03/09/2015 p. 1724 On reviewing the appeals of entrepreneurs to provide land for establishment of servitudes" taken without legal basis and the application of competitive procedures for acquiring rights to land, it does not meet the requirements of the Land Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Local government in Ukraine "and paragraph 2 of Article 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the mayor has stopped its action. MPs will be able to reconsider the matter and try to overcome the veto of the mayor at the extraordinary session of the City Council convened 17 September 2015 at 10.00 hours. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
