Exactly: caution, children on the road!

Ended summer vacation and began the school year. Every morning the children are sent to schools and are at risk every time when passing the carriageway. Most accidents with children, as statistics show, held with students on the way home from school for the way kids after school vvazhayutb start of holiday. For this holiday does not turn into a tragedy, had certain limits necessary to meet and accompany the child or severely limit the time and route home, will not pay, do not play with, do not go. Most inattention or ignorance of traffic rules children dying in the streets in road accidentsAnd injury accident - the worst. Therefore, to prevent traffic accidents, hazardous lives with the child must learn the rules and apply them. Unfortunately, often the drivers and pedestrians, especially children, do not realize the connection between their behavior, their actions on the road and emergency situations that lead to accidents. The reason for DTP is exactly the behavior, carelessness, lack of discipline and unwillingness to adhere to traffic rules and dismissive attitude toward them, inheritance (conscious or unconscious) of others who violate them. Dear parents, with the child develop a safe route home from school. Emphasize to children to follow the rules dorozhnohO traffic, be sure to check learned knowledge. I remember that the best model of behavior on the streets and roads for a child is an example of the parents directly. Dear drivers! For the prevention of road traffic accidents should comply with traffic rules and remember: the higher the speed, the more difficult to stop the car, etc.im less you time to fix errors, because children often inadvertently and safety can suddenly find yourself in front of your car. The speed and distance of the vehicle on the carriageway of the road - the most important indicators for the safety of the driver, passengers and pedestrians. Remember! Violators of traffic rules is not only narazhais a danger to themselves, but also endangers the lives of others! Head on Emergency Demurov RD This was reported in the Rivne City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/