Amendments to the Charter territorial community of Chernovtsy allow citizens to participate in solving local problems and monitoring the work of local authorities

Public discussion of amendments to the Charter territorial community of Chernovtsy held in the courtyard of City Hall with the participation of Mayor Alexis Kasruka, experts, communitiesgovernmental activists, representatives of local authorities, MPs, businessmen and interested Chernivtsi. Alex Kaspruk initiated the establishment of a consideration of amendments and additions to the Charter territorial community. Chernivtsi and regulations governing the participation of members of the territorial community in matterslocal importance. The Commission began its work in April 2015. The commission includes program director of the NGO "Informational-Legal Center" Our Right "Oksana Vashchuk-Ohdanska, program manager for the development of civil society Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Studies Maxim Latsyba journalist Nadia BabinSkye, chairman of the Public Council under the executive committee of the Chernivtsi City Council Mykola Kushnir and other civil society activists, experts, officials of the executive powers of city council. The results of the Commission drafted a Charter territorial community in the new edition. It significantly enhances the residents of Chernivtsi brotherand participate in solving local problems and monitoring the work of the organs and officials of local self-government that promotes democracy and openness. It is proposed to supplement existing forms of territorial community members participate in local government tools such as public consultations, participation in workpublic councils participating in the supervisory boards of utility companies, electronic participation in local government. "When I initiated the amendments to the charter of the city, not even hoping that this process will grow into such a serious and very important job for us, - says Alexei Kaspruk. - I am grateful to everyone who took part in almost six months roof charter boats and new provisions that broaden the powers of the community. Community initiative becomes more important for the adoption of certain decisions and I am confident that the adoption of the new Charter of the City of applications greatly enhance the ability of Chernivtsi residents to participate in solving local problems, will supervise the work ophaniv and local government officials. In particular, these electronic initiatives, electronic petitions, public hearings and so on. This charter completely meet modern standards and is the main document that determines how we live and interact with one another. " According Vporyadnyky new version of Oksana Vashchuk-Ohdanskoyi, will have ChernivtsiTh more opportunities to influence city government. So the work of the City Council will be transparent and open. During the discussion held discussions on legal aspects of the Charter, the rights and obligations of municipal deputies and prefects. Draft decision on amendments to the Statute will consider 69 City Council session on 24 September. This was reported in Chernivtsi Eviv happy
