In Lutsk in fiscal check the buyer can check the legality of the cash register of the seller

State Fiscal Service has introduced a new electronic service that lets individuals and entities can obtain information on whether a particular registered payment transactions (PPO) in the organs of DFS. Yes, napryklad, any citizen of purchasing goods in the store, received by a fiscal check can verify or registered with DFS cash register, where the seller of goods or services that was printed sales receipt. In turn, the entity through service, in particular, can receive data on fiscal room PPO, name sub'yekta management (surname, first name, middle name), date of registration, the number of the last register of payment transactions (Coro) registered in a PPO and the date of its registration and more. Also the electronic service provides information on registered entities register of payment transactions. Service users soOJ can get information on the fiscal room PPO Corot, whose registration has been canceled at the request of the entity at the initiative of DFS. You can use the Service on the official portal of the DFS ( under "Information about PPO" and "Book Information URO". Communications Sector Lutsk LIGHTS This was reported in Lutskand city council
