Vinnytchina, head of the regional state administration met with the company "Barlinek Invest" (+ photos)

Fourth of September, RSA chairman Valery Cow met with the leadership of the Polish-Ukrainian company "Barlinek Invest". As part of the management were SEO (CEO) of the Board groupsBarlinek and Wojciech Mihalovski, Vice President of the Board of Barlinek Pawe? Wrona, General Director of Barlinek Invest Jwanski Vinitsiush and Marketing Director Barlinek Invest Ltd. Volodymyr Shevchuk. Participation in the meeting were Deputy Head Vasyl brewers, director of Vinnytsia Regional Forestry tHunting and Anatoly Bondar and CEO of PJSC "Vinnytsyaoblenergo" Andrey Polishchuk. Welcoming those present Valery Cow said: "It is nice that you came to us and are intended visit date Investment Forum" Vinnichchina business in the center of Ukraine. " Given today's challenges, we clearly understand that simpleat the desire to be a full member of the European Union is not enough, so this forum is a step forward. " The head of the region noted that Ukraine has experienced a serious devaluation shock and so-called consumer market: "But some time has passed, has passed some adaptation can be seen that the devaluation in terms of resources, a reduction of wage costs incurrency equivalent. On the other hand it is some room for exports as interest in exporting has increased significantly. In particular, it is clearly observed in Vinnitsa region. For example dynamic region with volume growth of industrial production increased by 15%. In addition, an increase of 20% of production in the agricultural sector. "Valery Cow noted that in fully developed and modernized enterprise. According to him, the first in January 2016 to fully come into effect Ukraine Association Agreement with the European Union, which enables access to European markets and the further development of Ukrainian companies. During the communication managerscompany "Barlinek Invest" reported that despite the extremely difficult political situation in Ukraine and the economic crisis Polish-Ukrainian production company "Barlinek Invest" increased by 20%. Thus, the production capacity of the plant are constantly growing through the implementation of enterprise development strategies and variety prodck. They noted that success is the management company: the majority of workers and youth perspective. Moreover, given the challenges, the company's management increased salaries by around 40%. During the meeting, participants discussed the development and operation of enterprises in Vinnytsia raidssti. In particular, energy, raw materials (procurement foster the ability of the enterprise) and compliance with the new order of the untreated wood, and have agreed on plans for the future. Reference: Polish-Ukrainian company "Barlinek Invest" is part of a European company Barlinek, which is one andthe world's largest manufacturers of three-layer parquet boards. Vinnitsa company started its work in October 2007 and is an example of the effective use of investment capital. Factory "Barlinek Invest" belongs to one of the most powerful and environmentally friendly industrial enterprises of Ukraine. Enterprise also known such pryrodoohoronnymy measures to protect the environment, as a standing environmental program under the motto "one for one". From the inception of this program in Ukraine (October 2007) as of December 2014 financed by planting more than 833,000 oaks in 7 regions of Ukraine with total area of ??over 320 hectares. In addition, Vinnytsia plant forompaniyi involved in many charity projects. Continuing support Vinnytsia art and dance ensemble "Barvinok". Given the difficult times for Ukraine company supports different troops, charities, foundations and called up the family of factory workers, providing financial and economic assistance. About this Reportwashed in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
