Ternopil City Council report: 2013

In 2013, in the Ternopol actually built a new road outside Symonenko, reconstructed street Sport, expanded dvoarkovyy cities near « sixth » shop and repaired more than a dozen roads. Also new boulevard Daniel Galician, gardens Peace and Shevchenko, refurbishedand second of all, Ternopil Pond Quay and cascade fountains in the park Topilche. For medical establishments purchased two new cars launched overhaul of infectious hospital emergency department and hospital-based pediatric hematology department updated. Also open control center of elevators etc.dispatching and remote control lights and street lighting. Each trolley has earned automatic announcement stops, purchased two new trolleys and « reclaimed » three buses from Lviv Bus Plant. In educational institutions established individual heat points, and the yard ’ Yah kindergartens - newplaygrounds. To improve the provision of administrative services on the street. Ostrog earned only center of administrative services. A significant event for residents of Ternopil became one of the award-winning Council of Europe - Diploma for spreading European values. This turned out to be the third year of Ternopil city counciland the sixth convocation. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/