In Zhytomyr held for employees of the State Security

pupils lessons September 1 in Zhytomyr employees of the State took part in the celebration of the first bell in secondary schools of the city. To make the way to school as safe road inspectors conducted safety lessons for young pedestrians. - Preservation of life and health of diTay has been and remains a priority in the work of the State - said the chief STI of MIA of Ukraine in Zhytomyr Oblast Vladimir Grib. - Every child to become conscious of road users need to learn from early childhood elementary rules of behavior on the streets and roads. So the first day of the academic year in traffic policeyrushyly in school and during the conversation with the children reminded them about road safety. It is important that the m. Zhytomyr and in large cities of the region organized daily duty police employee at the schools that are in close proximity to the roadway with heavy traffic vehicles. As explained Vladimir Grib, torohoyu school small pedestrians often passionate friendly talk among themselves, and do not pay attention to the car approaching. And drivers who hurry in their own affairs, in turn, may misunderstand or ignore altogether the further steps of a child who is going to cross the roadway. Therefore, the main task of DutyOn attire cops at schools - to be extremely careful, time to stop students who are trying to cross the road in a prohibited place, tell and explain to them how it can be done safely and, of course, to control children's behavior directly on the roadway. However, it should order the road believe that only their actions not enoughtatno. Child Safety - a common cause of all adults, especially parents. So, dear friends! Security of your children is largely up to you. Every day, sending to school your child, remind her of the basic rules of safe behavior on the road, walk with her from home to school, choosing the safest route and Drawingand attention to traffic. And, of course, follow the same rules, as the best example - your own. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region
