In Ivano-Frankivsk Nicholas Vitenko congratulated the students and staff of the 19 th school on Knowledge Day and the holiday of the First Bell

on Sept. 1 City Council Secretary Nikolai Vitenko attended the native school 19 and took part in a solemn line To welcome all students of Ivano-Frankivsk beginning of the school year, City Council Secretary Nikolai Vitenko visited STInative school 19 us to the streets Gnat Khotkevych. Nicholas Vitenko addressed the students and teachers of the school a welcoming speech in which said that the return to the native school is always a pleasant and exciting moments. On the Day of Knowledge secretary of city council wished all students to school safely walk the path of knowledge, study diligently and with dignity to honor native schoolsand in the city. Nicholas Vitenko noted that in connection with the fact that this year secondary school 19 celebrates its anniversary, because since the first call within its walls turns 30 years, city authorities paid her special attention. Already an overhaul of the road to school and sidewalks paved with cobblestones. Soon at the same school yard will be built a modernsports field with artificial turf. "Prychynytys then develop and build their own schools for the best good of each graduate. I wish all the students love for the native schools and endless thirst for knowledge "- said Nikolai Vitenko. This was reported in the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
