Chernivtsi: Tax debts are no longer secret

Information on tax debts of their business partner can be found on the home page of the official web portal DFS Ukraine, which placed the banner "Get to know more about their business partner." With this electronic service taxpayer can check the availability in his hearthtkovoho debt. You must enter the enterprise code or the exact name of the subject business. After entering this information in one of the fields the system searches for a number of databases available for public use, and report the results. Information on the status settlement of the taxpayer with the budget (of the debt) Onovlyuyetsya daily, except for weekends and holidays, after the calculation pooled in a central database for the previous business day. However, please note that the electronic online service "Learn more about his business partner," says about the debt payer in the whole Ukrainenot, as the taxpayer may be registered not only in controlling body for the main place of registration, but also accounted for as a payer of certain taxes and duties as supervisory bodies for non-core place of registration. Furthermore, electronic service "Electronic Cabinet of the taxpayer", which introduced the service "Comparison rosesAccounts of the budget ", the ability to exercise self-payer verification procedure state its payments to the budget for each tax, fee or contribution of its own to pay. In addition, the payer on the final check on the status of payments to the budget may directly apply to the regulatory authorities for basic and NeoAIN place of registration. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
