Employees of the State in Volyn came back from the zone of the East ATU

states in the zone of combat conflict Volyn guards ensure the safety of road traffic and guarding the public order. Fifteen Volyn staff served a month in eastern Ukraine. Fortunately, all the boys back alive and healthy. About mustachecessful return home and perform the tasks of leadership of TAU reported consolidated unit head, deputy head of Volyn UGAI MIA, Oleg Danyluk: - Employees of the State of Volyn constantly working in the zone of ATO, from the start of the deployment of military conflict on the eastern borders of the state. Our staff accompaniedtion military goods provide filtering vehicles and suspicious persons to check their involvement in criminal offenses and belonging to gangs, and perform other tasks, including helping local people. I can assure you - Volyn police adequately fulfilled its publicresponsibility. A few days later, after a brief vacation, road guards will return to public order and safety on the roads already Volyn. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/