Vinnytsia region, under unknown circumstances drowned 7-year old child

25 August at 12:37 in the rescue service « 101 » m.Trostyanets from local law enforcement was reported that the rate s.Letkivka found the body of a child. How can ’ it turned out later, the boy born in 2008, without adult supervision in place for unsuitable forupannya rest in the company of peers. The body of the child was found by local residents, and they got it on the shore of the pond. Therefore, the circumstances of death of 7-year-old kid is not known. Currently, the boy handed over the body to forensic experts to study m.Ladyzhyn. At the scene investigative traveled - team. Rescuers Vinnytsya regiononce again warned not to leave children without supervision under any circumstances! Within 8 months of this year Vinnichchine about water ’ yektah killed 43 people, including 7 children. Therefore DSNS in Vinnytsia region encourages people of the region during a holiday near water bodies observe basic rules of safety and conductand preventive - Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu work with their children. It is worth remembering: - Rest just need a specially equipped recreational areas, and if there are none nearby, you need to choose a safe place for swimming with a gradual slope and hard bottom and clean; - Children bathing in any case should not take place without adult supervision,who can swim well; - Under any conditions Do not leave children near the water; - Do not allow children to swim from the shore to a dangerous distance; - Do not allow children to dive in unfamiliar places; - Do not allow children outrages in the water and closer to any waterway transport; - Is recommended to be in the water no more than 15 minutes; - Rateeratura water reservoir should not be below + 17 ° C. PG DSNS in Vinnytsia region.
