Volynyanyna sentenced for smuggling psychotropic substances to

Ukraine Volyn Oblast Prosecutor's Office supported public prosecution in the criminal proceedings against Vladimir-Volyn resident who tried to bring Ukraine psychotropic substances. According to Acting head of supervision over the observance of laws in criminal claimrovadzhenni state accusation and prosecution Volyn Oblast Yuri Novosad, in April 2015 the man, moving from Poland to Ukraine through the customs post « Yagodyn » Volyn customs concealed from customs control psychotropic substances, which limited circulation – clonazepam and tried to illegally smugglethe state border of the medicament. Lyubomlsky District Court sentence a man convicted of a crime and sentenced in the form of 5 years imprisonment with probation installation in 2 years. Psychotropic substances that were the subject of contraband seized.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/