At Vinnytsia found 33 mortar shells

on August 24 about 11:15 to rescuers Orativ area received a message from another District Police that a local resident with. Sabarivka on the carriageway of the road found four pieces. Upon arrival at the location the call was found that the findings are dangerous four mortar miHN caliber 82 mm of World War II era. Place findings were immediately fenced and guarded by the police and sent to a group work pyrotechnic rescue special unit of the Directorate DSNS in Vinnytsia region. 25 August at 15:30 on arrival in the village. Sabarivku, specialists – Pyrotechnics PG DSNS during examinationsof the adjacent territory has found 29 shells – aftersounds WWII. After identifying additional new discoveries of fighters DSNS ’ yasuvaly that explosives are among the mortar shells of caliber 81 and 82 mm Soviet and German production. Currently dangerous place guarded by employees of the District Police Orativ. The place is DecemberPA pyrotechnic works ARZ joint venture. PG DSNS in Vinnitsa region
