In the Zhytomyr region during the liquidation of fire found the bodies of two people

24 August at 00:15 on the item called ’ communication 15th State Fire and Rescue Town Baranivka from local residents received a report of a fire in the trees ’ Ian residential building that Tartak Baranovsky village district. Guard duty firefighters, who arrivedthe place Call ’ yasuvav that the roof completely covered by flame ’ pits. During exploration in the house DSNS workers found the bodies of two people. They were 60-year-old homeowner and his 58-year-old brother. Thanks to a skilful and coordinated efforts of rescuers at 2:00 the fire was localized, at 06:30 – completely eliminated. Claimoperednoyu version established that the cause of the fire could become careless while smoking intoxicated. According to villagers, the man with their relatives often abused alcohol. For now determined the final cause of the fire and the amount of loss and salvaged property. According tostatistics, the largest number of fires occurs in residential areas, and this is often the cause of negligence while smoking drunk. The course of events follows the same script. The man drank, then of smoking in bed and did not notice that dozed off while released from the hands of a cigarette butt. This factor is the cause of manytragic cases. I regret that the hostages are not only the perpetrators but also the people who live nearby. So, dear citizens, lest disaster appeal to you to follow basic fire safety rules, to appreciate their lives, the lives of their loved ones. Do not expose yourself and people around you mortal danger. Because ofthese truths depend on your well-being! Always remember that only strict adherence to safety rules will help you avoid irreparable disaster. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
