With the stolen motorcycle volynyanyn received three years of restriction of liberty

Court dismissed the man from serving the sentence by setting year probationary period. In July, in a wooded area near the village Stone Stobyhivka Kashyrsky area man stole a motorcycle Super corrado in local resident. Downloading vehicle on the cart, disclosedAdachi motorcycle transported to the farm. Law enforcement officials identified the attacker as his actions qualified by ch. 1, Art. 289 (Illegal appropriation of a vehicle) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. During the preliminary investigation between the victim and the accused signed an agreement on reconciliation and therefore Kamen-Kashirskiy District Court Wallynskoyi its approved area. Accordingly man convicted of criminal offenses and penalties awarded - restriction of liberty for a term of three years with one year probation period. Motorcycle court ordered the return of the owner. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/