Lubomir Melnychuk: " The Kremlin collaborators Kalyniuk unable to dismantle the memorial table Dontsov in Lviv "

20 August 2015 the Lviv Administrative Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by Alexander Kalyniuk by unfounded claims in case of authorization Lviv City Council to establish a memorial table DDontsova miter on the facade of the building on the street. Lysenko, 11. Recall, July 14, 2014 Alexander Kalyniuk tried by the court to cancel the decision of the executive committee of Lviv city council to establish a memorial table Dontsov on the facade of the building on the street. Lysenko, 11 in. Communist substantiate its view that Dontsov " frankly, etc.opahuvav Fascism & quot ;. This Kalyniuk Alexander did not stop and decided to take action against Galician District Court by filing an appeal to the Appellate Administrative Court of Lviv region. However, July 20, 2015, an appeal was successfully rejected. " Such actions can be called blatant propaganda the Communists in the city of Lviv.We therefore demand that the law enforcement agencies so that they immediately cease all displays of agents of the Kremlin in the city of Lviv and brought to criminal responsibility communist provocateurs who feel impunity in our city & quot ;, - said Lubomir svobodivets Melnychuk. This was reported in the press service of the Lviv of urbanOrganization vein PA " Freedom "
