Ternopil, in the conduct audit on the effectiveness of land use

In Ternopil Regional State Administration created complex working groups monitoring the effectiveness of land use area. Composed of representatives of law enforcement, fiscal services and territorial subdivisions of the central execuavchoyi bodies, departments and offices of State Administration. They conduct audits in each district. The chairman of the State Administration Stepan Barna August 18 at a meeting on land use in the Ternopil region. Also vie said that the process of returning land congregation started. This includes land area of ??25 hectares in the village of White, also lyzherolErno trail in the territory biathlon base in the Suburban. "We begin comprehensive testing of the effectiveness of land use Ternopil region - said the head area. - There is a corresponding instruction of the Prime Minister to conduct such audits in all areas. Those who work the land in a particular area, have to pay taxes to the place-term budget. Soon this will also be interested in the field of the future head of the newly formed communities. After all, these funds will be directed to the development of infrastructure. " According to Deputy Chief of DFS in Ternopil region Sergey Hospodaryka, the district is 45,000 land users, including 30,000 - inguilty pay taxes to the beginning of September. Leaders of some farms have dodeklaruvaty near 2,600 hectares of land in the region - 22,000. As fulfills duties of Chief of Derzhheokadastru Zinovy ??Beskorovainyi in Ternopil area is 152 hectares reserve and 1,800 hectares of reserve land stateavnoyi property. If they were used for regulatory monetary evaluation per hectare - 30 thousand. UAH interest rate at 5% per hectare per year the village council would receive 1.5 thousand UAH. "When we make revisions acts on those areas that use without title documents. They pass law enforcement agencies, which already host diffetion for further action - continued Zinovy ??Beskorovainyi. - You also need to pay attention to delineating areas, this division is already obsolete. Many land located outside the settlements, therefore, local community may not dispose of funds. Therefore, the administrative-territorial reform is necessary to provide foroshty the formation of new boundaries. " In addition, when revisions will pay attention to: - On the water bodies, which the district is 37, use of them - 19 in the area of ??181 hectares; - The nadrokorystuvan facilities in the region there are 8 active quarries in the area of ??42 hectares and 100 inactive officially an area of ??100 hectares; - The commercial courts, which occupy 407 hectares outsidesettlements of the district and 180 hectares in the settlements; - The state-owned enterprises who use unformed area; - In the desert land of private property, which nobody uses. Revision near last for three weeks. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/