Ternopil City Council allocated 200,000 to start construction of the monument to Heroes In Heaven

hundred regular session Ternopil City Council deputies allocated from the local treasury 200 thousand UAH for the start of construction of city ’ Monument to Heroes of Heaven hundred. After all, the account is opened for the construction of city ’ Monument received a few tysyach hryvnia at a time as needed over a million hryvnia. « Ternopil repeatedly said that the city ’ must be a national monument - said the head of Ternopol Sergey Nadal. - With the budget we have allocated funds, which is enough to begin construction of the city ’ monument and hope that this step will encourage Ternopil involvedthe common cause and to raise the required amount & raquo ;. By the way, Heroes' Square euromaidan reconstruction was completed by Independence Day, however, for a number of good reasons, it did not start on time. The mayor hopes that may be able to carry out improvement areas and set the basis for city ’ Monument to cover. Ifyou want to join the construction of the city ’ Monument, the money can be counted with the purpose of payment « The construction of the city ’ Monument to Heroes « hundreds of Heaven » the following details: p / p 35425305048629 HUDKSU bank in Ternopil region MFO 838012 USREOU 02230572 46001 m. Ternopil, br. Shevchenko, 1 Tel. (0352) 42-06-72. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/