Working hours Vinnichiny on interfaith and interethnic relations will introduce throughout Ukraine (+ photos)

In Vinnitsa region, representatives of religious organizations and civil society, civil servants at various levels, which are the responsibility of the issue of religion and interaction with religious and other communities Vinnitsa region again had Mr.ahodu improve their skills in matters of freedom of religion and national cultural relations. On 18 August, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in cooperation with the Department for Religions and Nationalities Regional State Administration organized in Vinnitsa meeting of the "round table" on "The role of increased security dialogue in religious communities and other groups. " Welcoming the gathering, which was organized as part of the ODIHR "Strengthening the security of religious communities and other groups in Ukraine" Head of the Department for Nationalities and Religions State Administration Ihor Saletskyy stressed that the experiences that convey the representatives of the OSCE mission is extremely useful for the region. "We aremore convinced to provide security on religious and national grounds between all members, including public authorities, should be an ongoing dialogue. In Vinnitsa region effective example of such cooperation is the Council of Churches and Religious Organizations and Board of ethno-cultural communities at the head of RSA. Their meeting ArticleAli location of interfaith and interethnic dialogue, during the many problems we solve, thus can prevent conflicts, ensuring peace and tranquility in the national cultural environment "- said Igor Saletskyy. Participation in "round table" took and Director of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Nationalities Ukrayiny Andrew Yurash. According to him, now in Ukraine Vinnytsia best level of understanding between the different religious and ethnic communities. "Actually, this is an experience that is not yet implemented at all Ukrainian regions, and we will move it to recommend all other areas. We are preparing documents and at Bureaux Administrationenta, and at Government level, on a typical structure of regional administrations and we offer to make a point about the restoration of individual structures that will ensure this area of ??public policy - religious issues and national issues. The fact that in Vinnitsa region kept completely separate division RSA - Department of NAUAH Duration, nights and religions - this is the model that will be proposed as the most universal of all other regional administrations "- said Andrew Yurash. Moreover, according to Andrey Yurash, for example to other regions of Ukraine will ask as activities Vinnichchine Councils of Churches and religious organizations and ethno-cultural communities at the head of ODA. During the meeting of the "round table" senior adviser on freedom of religion or belief Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Kishan Manocha said that OSCE project on religious and ethnic security in Ukraine extends to two areas: Vinnitsa and Odessa. "Cultural dialogue that established in Vinnytsia region, we are very inspiring.We are glad that got a lot of professionals, to promote long-term dialogue. Indeed, dialogue plays an important role in society, between individuals and groups. It is essential for peaceful coexistence. This is a very effective tool for solving difficulties and problems. The dialogue is especially important now when your country is going through difficulta time when peace and stability is the most important task "- said Kishan Manocha. During the collection of international and national experts on religious freedom shared with the participants the best practices of dialogue by international standards. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
