In the Transcarpathian region in high-speed maneuvering was not equal with Vladimir Podhornyaku Justa year's

race on speed maneuvering promptly and Rescue Service held at the racetrack Transcarpathia Khust Technical College. In order to compete for the title of « best driver on speed maneuvering fire trucks »August 18, to Justa from ’ yihalosya 28 teams of firefighters. Only the State Fire and Rescue part of the city. Vinogradov was not involved in the BC ’ connection with the liquidation of a large-scale fire at the local landfill. « Such competitions are held to improve professional skills of the drivers control a car fire. And the main criterion CCIncas their performances are not seconds or minutes, during which they perform a particular case, and, first of all, check the combat readiness of the garrison put before them perform difficult tasks in the daily grind. Exercises for the implementation of tailored as close to the working conditions of drivers in extreme situations and Assistedahayut develop their attention, reaction time, the ability to quickly make the right decisions. These are the qualities and criteria for evaluating professional skills of employees Fire and Rescue Service. In addition, similar measures make it possible to give objective assessment of the technology used to extinguish fires and other emergencies andSituations & raquo ;, - said Head of DSNS Ukraine Zakarpattya region Roman Hudak. Traditionally, the program of the competition consisted of several stages. First of all drivers fire trucks, as well as heads of state fire and rescue units and positions comprised tests on the knowledge of traffic rules. This was followed by an overview of the technical state of Mayansportnyh means for determining the quality of servicing and maintenance of fire engines. The most difficult stage – practical. Drivers had to demonstrate their attention, speed of reaction and ability to instantly make the right decision, overcoming specially designed route. It included tasks such as « box & raquo ;, « & raq hempuo ;, « eight & raquo ;, « tunnel gate & raquo ;, « snake & raquo ;, « slope & raquo ;, « relay & raquo ;, « line « Stop » » and end the diversion of water from the tank. Experienced participants will argue that nothing extremely difficult on this track there. The main thing – this practice for years during exitin on fire. That driver DPRCH-8 m. Tiachiv Basil gala, which has twice held the first place in these competitions, said: « To succeed in maneuvering, you must ride on the Elimination many different fires, get used to the dimensions of the car fire. I since 1995 working in operational-rescue service Transcarpathia. Only 2007When he first won the competition « gold & raquo ;, realized that reached certain heights in the management of fire vehicles & raquo ;. At the final stage, all the heads of fire-rescue units exercise performed on water from open sources using fire pump. Best of performing the task required coped & rsquo, head bandages DPRCH-8 m. Tiachiv Alexander Haydosh. As a result of the competition among the drivers, the best in high-speed maneuvering was Vladimir Podhornyak (DPRCH 10 m Hust). « Silver » Valery won Nose (DPRP village of Ust-Black). And honorable third place went to Michael Ogar DPRCH of 5 m Irshava. Prizewinner awarded diplomas and monetary awardsand the winning team - and even transitional cup competitions. It is stored in the fire brigade for the next year. In DSNS Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region
