Ternopil region, conducted raid verification harvest of 2015 At the Ternopil

rescuers took harvest under strict control department experts including state supervision and control DSNS Office of Ukraine in the Ternopil region in cooperation with the inspectors Zborivsky District Department of Management, conducted raid verification rules are metof fire safety during the harvest of 2015. Bread – the wealth of our country and therefore prevent fires in places of gathering, processing and storage of crops is one of the main tasks like rescue units of the State and farms which are relevant to the harvest. To prevent fires on cereal crops,Ternopil Regional Office DSNS conducts inspection raids agricultural societies. Usually the harvest period coincides with the hottest period of the summer, when the offering Niwa the threat of fires. To protect crops from fire inspectors DSNS Regional Office conducts raids verify compliancefire safety rules in the region. Under the regulatory acts just before the campaign combine all the drivers, their assistants and all are involved in the harvest briefings on fire-technical minimum. High qualification requires modern equipment and comfortable design. All combines, trucks atbladnani primary means of fire. Talking to farmers, rescuers are confident that with this approach to the issue of crop protection against fire harvesting campaign always held successfully. However harbor inspection – necessary thing, because the harvest excess caution can not hurt.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/