In Zhytomyr firefighters prevented liquidation of economic structures

on Aug. 11 at 1:05 at the point called ’ connection 22 th State Fire and Rescue village of Chernyakhiv fire was reported economic building of 80 × 12 meters, which is located in the village of K . Marx. On arrival firefighters guard next to the place onAction found that the fire reached the roof of the building. The fire threatened to spread throughout its area. With operational actions of rescuers did not happen. Already at 1:30 the fire was localized, the same final liquidation took place at 3:50. The fire had destroyed part of the roof. According to villagers in the day near the building burned grass. It is possible,that this was the cause of fire facilities. Currently, the final cause is established experts. In connection ’ communication with high fire danger, the rescuers once again urge citizens not to use open fire in the street, do not throw cigarette butts on the ground of cigarettes and matches. If necessary, a fire in the home, followdevelopments and to prevent the uncontrolled spread of fire. Always be ready next fire-fighting equipment. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
