Rivne region, rescuers in the course of advocacy in the private residential sector eliminated

straw fire to reduce the number of fires burning due to dry grass and stubble residues, especially in the private housing sector, employees of the Main Department DSNS in Rivne day heldI integrated fire-prevention working residential sector in all parts of the region. In particular, July 11-12 rescuers together with representatives of village councils and social protection of workers, conducted preventive Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu work with the residents of the village council Horupanskoyi Mlyniv district, Rivne village council Obarivskoyith district and village council Karpylivskoyi Sarny district. During the raids preventive tell rescuers adults and children about the need to be vigilant when using open fire, give examples of past fires and deaths due to negligence in the dead wood burning. Thus, when mining workers DSNS EqEnsk district witnessed careless handling of fire Obarzym resident of the village. Pensioner despite the hot weather remains burned stubble residues near their lodge. Flame ’ I instantly gained momentum and became uncontrollable. Rescuers instantly, using improvised ignition eliminated, as was a old womanconducted preventive talks about the dangers of burning trash and what the consequences may lead these steps. PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/