Volyn region, rescuers care for safety on waters edge

employees Liubeshiv August 12 police station UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region, together with representatives of local authorities conducted raids in places of mass recreation – Beach « Solar » near the village and the lake Lyubeshiv Ljube ’ ide. RescueMAP Lyubyazkym with the village head and the head of Bogdan Shubychem Sector for Emergency Situations RSA Lyubeshovsky Ryabiyikom Michael toured the beach and reminded citizens who rested there, the rules of safe behavior. In addition, employees handed DSNS people who spent leisure time at the beach, leaflets with the rules of safe leadnky water and warned strictly observe basic requirements for their own safety. Resting young stressed the inadmissibility of drinking alcoholic beverages on the waters. &Laquo; Often citizens ignore basic safety rules, which can cause tragic consequences. Adults abuse alcohol and swim farat the coast. Children are exposed to, remaining without care - said Mikhail Ryabiyik. &Ndash; So it is worth remembering that the water does not forgive mistakes. Resting, should follow precautions and go into the water only when learned to swim & raquo ;. Raid team also got acquainted with the materials of life safety, placed on special stand in the beach area. Rescuers warned: the knowledge and implementation of rules of conduct on the water is the key to safety and quality rest. Worth city ’ in mind that the basic safety conditions is the correct choice and equipping swimming, adult and children swimming skills, as well as strict adherence to the rules of conduct during chas swimming and riding the boats and constant monitoring of children in the water. It is worth remembering: - Swim better in the morning or evening when the sun warms, but there is no danger of overheating; - The water temperature must be below +17 ° C, the coldest - to be safe. Swim in the water no more than 20 minutes, and this time should increasebe gradual, starting with 3-5 minutes; - Do not come, do not dive into the water after prolonged exposure to the sun; - Not included in the water while intoxicated; - If there is no nearby equipped beach, choose a safe place for swimming with a gradual slope and firm and clear bottom. In the water go gently; - Never dive in unfamiliar mistsyah; - Do not swim away. Never swim alone, especially if you are not confident in their abilities; - If you captured the current, do not try to fight it. We must swim downstream, gradually, under a small angle, approaching the coast; - Do not panic, even if you hit the whirlpool. Need to gain more air into the lungs, Diptysya into the water and made a strong leap sideways, emerge; - Very gently floating on inflatable mattresses, car cameras and inflatable toys. Wind over or they may include very far from the shore; - Children bathing in any case should not take place without adult supervision that can swim well; - Under any conditions Do not leave the water youthfuland; - Not near to ships, boats and boats that float near you. It is strictly forbidden: - Jump into the water with boats and buildings not designed for this; - Dive from bridges, dams, piers, trees, high banks; - Use for navigation so dangerous tools such as boards, logs, chambers of tires, naduvni mattresses and other implements, not provided for navigation: - Pollute the water and the shore (throwing bottles, cans, household waste, etc.) - Swim close to the boats, which are close to bathing places; - Allow the water rough games that surf ’ related to the restraint of the movement of the hands and feet. It is up to each of us personally determines that giveour summer. Keep your life! In emergency situations, call the Rescue Service at the number “ 101 & rdquo ;!

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/