Valery Cow: Effective local government, active community leaders to help restore people's trust in government (+ photos)

Lack of trust in the government can be considered basic problem in the country. Therefore, all government initiatives, including the introduction of changes through reforms, perceived with suspicion. However, to overcome possible. To start the work Potrobno to eradicate corruption and improve administrative services. In addition, the authorities at various levels should stimulate activity communities. These are the priorities outlined RSA chairman Valery Cow, during his working visit to Murovano Kurylovetskomu area. "A kind of" bridge "restore confidence of the peoplepower should be effective local government. At first the plan must go active leaders of communities credibility. Then begin to restore trust in government in general. And now we are moving in this direction, "- said Valery cow. Being in stone Kurilovcy, head of the executive branch of the regional authorities took partin the meeting on socio-economic development of the area by the end of six months. State Administration Chairman Serhiy Ladan specify in its report a clear focus on the achievements of the area and the challenges ahead. According to him, farmers had the edge in time of harvest campaign of early grains. Gross totaled 60,000 tons at an averageyield of 42 quintals per hectare. In comparison with the year 2014 an additional 9781 tons harvested. Grain. In cattle farms, compared with the beginning of the year increased by 286 chapters and is 2,239 heads. 60% and increased total production of milk. In addition, the first half in the economic sector of the district managed to attract Mon.Al 52 million investment. "Pleasing and budgetary prospects, - says head of district administration Sergei Ladan. - Implement the decentralization of budgetary relations and a new system of taxes and duties provided budget implementation area for six months at 143%. In terms of revenue 8.1 million hryvnia, own revenues actually received 115 million UAH. That is in addition to the budget of the district mobilized 3.4 million. Of the 24 district budgets specified indicators for equity and fixed income. Thus, in January - June 2015 completed all the local councils. " Communicating with the heads of communities, heads of enterprises and organizations, local administrative asset Valery Cowdid the emphasis on safety. Head of Vinnitsa region said that the events in Eastern Ukraine set new challenges. Therefore, the first priority - safety of citizens. For the year elapsed created capable army organized and established communication territorial defense. Vinnichchina again first in the country has fulfilled the plan of mobilization. However, in someth areas there are problems. "The decision to restore the area Murovanokurilovetskiy military. His task will be to restore basic military service records, find people who are willing to volunteer to defend the integrity of the state and go to the East. Another, not less important task will be to work with demobilized "- messagesValery in cows. However, the RSA chairman Valery Cow noted that security is and law enforcement. "There Presidential Decree on the establishment of the national police. In September starts to set national police winery that will bench upgrade law enforcement. Within three months the whole management systemI Vinnichchine MIA will be transferred to the police. In some areas will be dramatic changes of power structures "- said Valery cow. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
