At Vinnytsia rescuers pulled a woman from the 7-meter wells

August 12 at 5:40 in the rescue service « 101 » m. Yampil was reported that in the village. Prydnistryanske through its own negligence man fell into krynytsyu.Po arrival at the place call rescuers found that 37-year-old woman is in the well at a depth of 7 IUMinisters. Sservice personnel DPRCH-35 m.Yampil in number 5 persons were carried out rescue work on raising women with two rescue ropes and carbines. At 7:23 fighters DSNS victim was raised to the surface and transferred medsluzhby emergency workers to provide primary health care. Currently, numerous injuredinjuries in stable-serious condition in the intensive care unit is the central district hospital. PG DSNS in Vinnitsa region
