In Chernihiv region lifeguards teach people to safety measures while swimming near the water Recreation

is one of the effective means of healing the human body. Extremely high temperature and hot weather that established in the Chernihiv region, encourage citizens to spend their free time at the ponds. However, statistics show thatThat failure and blatant disregard of safety measures, swimming in unequipped and unknown places leads to tragic consequences. Note, in waters drowned 43 people field. This situation requires rescuers to take practical steps and through the media, as well as during preventive prove vidpratsyuvanthe population of the basic requirements stay safe near water. August 11 in Chernihiv city department experts conducted a raid UDSNS visited places of mass recreation of residents of the regional center near the river Desna. In the course of the citizens talked about the basic requirements of safe behavior while relaxing and swimming in danger unequipped locationsWhere, in particular, no rescue and medical posts, bottom waters not inspected diver. Guests willing to communicate with rescuers and prysluhovuvalys to their advice and carefully studied themed cards that specialists of the State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies were presented during the preventive work. In DSNS in Chernihivskiy area
