At Vinnytsia regional authorities congratulated builders on their professional holiday edge (+ photos)

Traditionally, on the eve of the builder, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of August, the best industry professionals welcomed in RSA. In ceremonies attended by Deputy Governor Vasily brewers, deputy chairman of the Regional Council Nataliya Soleyko and the best representatives of the construction industry of the region. Addressing the audience brewers Basil said: "You have chosen a very difficult and very important profession at the same time, because the construction industry is one of the main indicators of development and stability of the economy. And despite the fact that the construction industry is in difficult financial conditions do not get enoughfunding, are you looking for ways to improve its operations, competitive construction products, increase the credibility of the profession builder. " Basil brewers also noted that in January-March 2015 enterprises and organizations of the region from all sources of financing utilized 1.02 billion. UAH. capital investment. Tion from Ratelast one adopted in the volume of housing in the first quarter of 2015 - 99.4% of the corresponding period of the previous year, is among the 12 regions of Ukraine. During the first half of 2015 enterprises of the region performed construction works worth 530.5 million. UAH. Thus 75.2% of construction works performed in the city. Vinnitsa. Work on new constructionReconstruction and technical re-equipment accounted for 89.8% of the total, the rest - from the capital - 5.2% and current - 5.0% repairs. Basil brewers expressed confidence about the revival of construction activity this year, because despite a difficult time for the country the Government provided from the state budget for 153.8 Vinnytsya regionmln. UAH. of the State Fund for Regional Development. With these funds in 2015 is planned to implement a number of investment projects of regional development, including completion, reconstruction and overhaul of educational and health services, energy saving measures to switch over budgetary institutions to alternative fuelsand so on. With the words of greetings to the participants appealed Soleyko Natalia, who thanked the professionalism and skill, but also wished to our builders have not had to build fortifications, and the proud name of the builder added to enthusiasm and confidence in daily work for the good of their native land, for prosperity Our Ukraine as a whole!For conscientious work, considerable personal contribution to the construction industry and on the Day of the builder 27 best industry professionals on behalf of Regional State Administration and Regional Council have received diplomas. And thanks also announced regional administration and regional council heads 6 relevant departmentsODA, companies and organizations for quality, timely and professional duty construction of engineering structures to strengthen defense capability in the area of ??ATO in Lugansk and Donetsk regions. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
