In the Ternopil region in Pochayiv inaugurated updated fire station

on July 6 in Pochaiv Kremenets district opening ceremony of the renewed building fire station 23rd state fire-rescue post. In ceremonies attended by heads of fire-rescue units edge led by Chief Management DSNS Ukraine in Ternopilviv region civil defense Colonel Victor Masleyem, RSA chairman Sergei Simchuk Kremenets, Pochaev Mayor Vasily Boyko and clergy. During the opening ceremony to the firefighters proceeded sincere congratulations and gratitude for their hard and dedicated work. The guests gave special equip rescuersReference particular generator « Werk » and chainsaw « Stihl & raquo ;. Besides the best staff awards and diplomas awarded Regional Office DSNS and local authorities. Not spared no attention from those who put his efforts to Pochaiv had his own farm so tidy and well maintained fire ryatuvalnu part. Opening of renewed fire station – this is an extremely important event for the area and for the Ternopil region in general, – said during his speech Viktor oil. &Ndash; Despite the difficult times, we do not quit chosen direction for the modernization of logistics and increase combat readiness of fire-rescue Piedraozdiliv area. He also said that the services of employees 23rd state fire-rescue office space rooms, convenient guard room, rempost, eating room, toilets and showers. For fighters Fire and Rescue Service has all conditions for training, work and rest, which is certainly able to significantly increase the combat capabilityb unit. In conclusion, he wished in order to fight the fire and rescue service after their hard daily battle of always returning to their homes, and so that they are always there waiting for the most expensive – relatives and close friends. At the end of the event Archpriest Holy Spirit Monastery, Father Peter sanctified all present, office space and techniquesin.
