In Ivano-Frankivsk region for future schoolchild from the East started training modules

psychological support and psychological adaptation are very important for children and their parents who had seen all the horrors of war. Yesterday for future schoolchild - first-graders and their parents (mostly mothers) started training modules based on psychological IvanoFrankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education. Experienced practitioners, psychologists Centre of practical psychology and social work developed a special program of activities to prepare children for school and help their parents to improve the social and psychological adaptation kids in school. The first "test" the desk childrenhave been very responsible and "excellent". Schoolchild helped psychologists Management DSNS Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Training modules will be held during the month of August, and in late summer will be officially handed kantspryladdya bag and the successful start of the new academic year. Already in September, kids are under care shkilnyh psychologists in schools.
