In the Transcarpathian region in the United States appeared most lethal submarine in the world

United States have adopted the most dangerous in the world submarine. So it is called American admiral. In the arsenal of submarine "John Warner" is the cruise missiles "Tomahawk" and heavy torpedoes. He can run and drones. Depth submarine almost half a kilometer. And enough to manage only two people. The cost of the boat is $ 2 billion. And interesting detail - submarine named in honor of John Warner, who over 30 years has been a senator from Virginia. "This boat has all possible high-tech tools. They permits? him to perform the most complex mission that they can be, "- said the senator from Virginia (1979 - 2009) John Warner. United States Navy took the newest "most lethal" submarine class "Virginia" under the name "John Warner." Videos: News of Transcarpathia - "Carpathian lens" Told
