Chernigov region, rescuers conduct preventive testing the private housing sector

citizens From the beginning, in Chernihiv there tense situation with the fires. Compared to the same period last year their number has increased by almost 50% to 1485 cases. In addition, as a result of hazardsfire killed 44 people, another 14 were injured. The basic amount of 100% of fires and tragic events occur in private residential sector citizens. Analysis of the situation shows that the reason for this is its own negligence and, in some cases, blatant disregard public safety measures, including the use of fire, dangerous objectsand substances as well as during the operation of electric and heating devices. Given this, experts DSNS management units in the Chernigov region in close cooperation with the authorities and local authorities, social workers and police officers constantly working Preventive private zhytlovohO sector. It should be noted that rescuers carried Chernigov weekly briefings on the territory of about 30 settlements. In the course of primary consideration Dwelling lonely elderly, the disabled, large families and unreliable. During homestead detours than fire safety in the home, broughtbasic requirements of safe stay in the forests, ecosystems, near water, as well as explaining algorithm of actions in case of terrorist threats and detect explosive devices. During the summer holidays children have much free time for leisure and not always in sight of adults, so parents is told rescuerstion about the dangers of child injuries as a result of leaving them without proper control and supervision. During the instructional specialists of the State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies focus on eliminating existing population drawbacks fire and hand preventative city ’ interest and postcards. The measures are continuing, aimed at whatto draw the attention of residents of the residential sector responsible attitude to safety requirements and stay at home during the holidays. Yuri Breus, Head of DSNS in Chernihiv region
