Khmelnytsky Oblast Children's Hospital confirmed the "higher level of proficiency

on August 5 this year Khmelnytsky Oblast Children's Hospital was accredited institution and confirmed the" higher level of proficiency. " Accreditation commission headed by MD, Professor, Chief Children's Specialist Ministry of Health of the specialty "Pedyatrium "Igor Yaschenko. According to the Ministry of Health specialist, pediatric service Khmelnitsky region represented at the proper level, it is in this place Podolyany little aid given to tertiary level, ie regional children's narrow specialists. Today, in Ukraine, medical care is provided locally kiddies familyand doctors in primary health care centers, including doctors - pediatricians replacing the secondary and tertiary levels. At its core family medicine - a modernized version of rural medicine. For rural general hospital practice - indeed the most appropriate option, but big cities, megacities - is another matter. For them, the transition to family medytsyus - is a step back, the destruction of the current system of care, quality systems and accessibility. And most of this "reform for reform" impact on pediatric service. A good pediatrician is formed over the years, from the first course of pediatric faculty, deliberately vybravshy for a child medicine, not the 1-1.5 month pediatric teaching coursesFamily Medicine. From September this year in higher medical schools planned closure pediatric departments, the opening of which in 90 years acquired great momentum, and it will turn to a deficit of skilled medical personnel. Deliberate destruction of Pediatrics appear on children's health. Games Yaschenko also noted, despite the problems,which are in medicine, namely in Pediatrics - lack of staff, immunization, infant mortality, Khmelnytsky region showed their best -conducting prevention and early detection of diseases, clinical examination quality, stable performance, achieved indicators of service, improve living conditions of patients in small children Zakodds. Health of children - the future of the nation. If to think in terms of financial costs, it must be understood: preventive pediatrics - these are contributions that will pay off in the future. Reported at
