Transcarpathia: regional prosecutor's office conducted pre-trial investigation regarding police beating a man at

Svalyava Transcarpathian region prosecutor's office submitted information to YERDR and started pre-trial investigation on the grounds of a criminal offense under h. 2 tablespoons. 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of power or authority pratsivnycom enforcement agency), according to the occupant Svalyava beating his police officers. According to the statement of the victim, August 31, head of traffic police Svaliava District Police Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region with two subordinates inflicted him injuries in the premises of the police station traffic police. However, this fact became known yesterday, August 4, whenHe appealed to the appropriate application to the Prosecutor's Office Transcarpathian region. Also, as part of the proceedings will be checked by investigators and police officers beating a citizen of Belarus, which also became known yesterday from the application of the latter. Reference: Part sanction. 2, Art. 365 CC Ukraine provides for punishment of imprisonment for a termof three to eight years with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years. Press service of the Prosecutor's Office Transcarpathian region
