Lviv Rescuers had a conversation with members of military field camp "Patriot" Summer holidays

– the dream of all children. They enthusiastically waiting for them, tend to travel and tours, new acquaintances. So from July 31 to August 2, 2015 in the village Rakovets Pustomyty district, Lviv region started martialand camp « Patriot » for boys and girls. The main purpose of the event is to introduce young people to the basics of military, civil defense, health and behavior training in detecting explosives and suspicious objects. Participated in skills of fifty applicants. Children who came to the camp were divided into four groups. For Sunix field camp participants were strict rules on training. Desert camp can only with permission of elders (head instructor and group), required ’ these patterns discipline and daily routine. The camp for the passage exercises were set up sentries who guarded the camp. They were forbidden to leave the post until the guard is not deputyupyt other change. As part of the field camp employees of the Main Directorate DSNS Ukraine in Lviv region held a lecture for children's behavior when detecting explosives and suspicious objects. Experts told DSNS relating to explosive remnants showed various munitions, which are in the territoryLviv Oblast. Appearance of ammunition from a long stay in the soil or in water varies: under the influence of moisture and physical effects are deformed, rust, but do not lose the ability to explode even a slight touch, shake or strike. Children stressed if you still accidentally discovered pieces of, It can not touch – it is very dangerous. If you find a suspicious object: &Bull; do not touch the finding; &Bull; fix the exact time when she was discovered; &Bull; vidhorodit place where the suspicious object; &Bull; Allow people away from suspicious findings; &Bull; stop any work in the area of ??hazardousth place; &Bull; organize temporary protection dangerous place to visit specially trained and do not let go of strangers; &Bull; the discovery of explosive remnants must urgently inform the number 101 or 102. Neutralize explosive devices are eligible only specially trained professionals nowotehnichnyh groups who have been trained and have practical skills with explosives and a variety of ammunition. The children have long talked with representatives of Rescue « 101 » and was invited again to participate in camping. These camps are not just give military training and basic skills for vyzhyvanin terms of nature. First of all - this company. The circle of associates, which never feel lonely. They say that each is safety, and here first taught to never leave a fellow, always give a helping hand, because the true strength and victory - in unity and friendliness.
