In Lviv to attract public order velopatrulnyh

Truskavtse chief city police department presented velopatrulnyh, which together with other law enforcement officers will ensure public order in the city. In Truskavets Gorotdel police created velopatrul of two police officers on bicycles. "This pilotand project the experiment to reform the police Lviv, which we introduced in his Gorotdel initiative management Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region. For Truskavets velopatruli are very relevant, since our city is a sanitary zone where traffic is prohibited, and police on bicycles is also very useful additionresort town atmosphere. Also in this way we protect the unique ecological system of our city, "- said the head of Truskavets city police department Police Lt. John Malish. Cyclists patrol-equipped summer form new special type and bikes with all necessary accessories. Residents and guests of the Maximuspositively respond to new patrol and police leadership of Lviv, in turn, expects innovation to reduce application response time to five minutes inhabitants and increase the efficiency of law enforcement, especially in park areas and in residential areas of the city. "Residents and visitors very positively respond to us and try to sphotographed with us. As for the bike, we can say that this is - excellent transport that provides responsiveness and helps maintain yourself in good physical shape, "- told velopatrulni. Press service of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region
