Volyn region: the best guard chiefs awarded with diplomas and awards on August 4

head of DSNS in Volyn region, Major-General Vladimir civil protection Hrushovinchuk awarded diplomas and valuable watches as the two captains of the guard present the results of the 1st stage of the competition « Best Head guard & raquo ;. The winner in the category of « Best Head guard with protection of settlements » recognized chief of the guard of special fire equipment rescue squad of special purpose Lieutenant Sergei civil protection Zdanevich and the captain of the guard DPRCH 5 m. Novovolynsk lieutenant civil protection MyroslAB Lyushka received his award « best young guard head & raquo ;. In assessing participants device management specialists DSNS area taken into account the level of contestants theoretical knowledge, performance standards with special training, moral, psychological and volitional qualities. Also taken into account the ability districtachalnykiv guards to control the actions of subordinate personnel during firefighting, emergency response based on real situations during the year. &Laquo; This competition is held annually among the chiefs of state guard fire-rescue units DSNS and its main purpose is to determine the best professionals to encourageothers to enhance professional skills. This will facilitate the implementation of exemplary service required ’ bonds for the protection of human life and about ’ objects management & raquo ;, - summed up the head of the Vladimir region DSNS Hrushovinchuk. Office DSNS in Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/