In the Rivne region rescuers together with farmers care about preserving the harvest 2015 fire

Summer – examiner strict fire safety, especially when continuing the Harvest campaign. The task of everyone who was involved in this important issue - to make every effort to prevent fires during harvest and in storage locations and processing nroduktsiyi new crop. To this end, a series of preventive and practical measures both before harvest campaign and after its completion, when there is a danger of fires during the dry stubble burning and crop residues. People say that harvest – crown tilling work. So rescuers extremely responsibly GothHarvest uvalysya this exam through offshore verification of compliance with fire safety regulations include the collection, processing and storage of cereals. While preventive measures employees of the State Service for Emergency Situations pay special attention to the technical condition of harvesting combine state security units in Mayactors and vehicles certified fire extinguishers, shovels and availability crackers, instructions on fire safety of the workers who are involved in the harvest. Yes, August 4 city district management staff of State DSNS visit was made to the territory of the village council Zoryanskoyi Rivne region, where harvesting is currently underway inagricultural holding mug on lands « Star » Group of Companies « VITAGRO & raquo ;. It should be noted that this agricultural enterprise is one of the most powerful in the region, having on their balance thousands of hectares of arable land and hundreds of units of various agricultural machinery. During the raid conducted rescue unscheduled briefing on nextKu supervision of safe work systems and components of basic cleaning technique, course of action in case of fire, the order of use primary means of fire with persons involved to harvesting. All employees handed themed cards « Safety at harvest & raquo ;. In turn, farmers readily demonstrated workINEC DSNS technique with reserves of water and tractors with plows whom oboryuyut grain fields for non-admission fires. Rescuers also tested in practice with feed water through the trunk car fire with water. Talking to farmers working in the fields, firefighters were convinced that no manager ignored the enterprise and is an important pitReference to conduct field work before training fire-technical minimum people involved in harvesting and forage harvesting. General Directorate of State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies in Rivne region and sub encourages people ’ objects of economic activity follow fire safety rulesin the collection and storage of the crop. The main causes of fires during harvest may be the careless handling of fire, violation of rules of operation of machines and units burning stubble. During this period, the smallest spark of agricultural machines or thrown cigarette butt can lead to large-scale fire. Consequently, compliance would be Fireezpeky a reliable guarantee that the tables will be Ukrainian fragrant and delicious loaves! PG DSNS in Rivne region
