Chernivtsi: Director Park "October" for director Sergei joiners

municipal enterprises "Park October" Mayor of 3 August this year appointed Sergei carpenter. With the newly appointed director of fixed-term employment contract is concluded for one year. Sergey Carpenter was among the six candidates for the post who were civil Discusstion with representatives of the initiative group of residents, who worked on the development of the Regulation on the Supervisory Board of the park "October", the development of utility. "Park" October "- an important recreational facility where rest thousands of Chernivtsi. He needs special care and attention throughout the community deserves a modern contseptsiyu development, the development of which should involve experts and all concerned Chernivtsi. This is not an easy task, which will help solve Sergei carpenter newly created Supervisory Board of the utility. The enterprise should operate transparently about their plans and results will inform the public, raise nebayduzhyh Chernivtsi improvement to the park, implement creative ideas for its development, respond promptly to requests of the community. Such tasks put before the new head of the company ", - said Mayor Alex Kaspruk. Reference. Sergey Carpenter - 1970 born native of s.Repuzhyntsi Zastavnivsky area. Education - higher geographical,higher legal (Chernivtsi National University). Started his career as a teacher of geography in Novodnistrovsk school 2. From July 1993 was in the service in the Internal Affairs Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Chernivtsi region. Concluded the service in law enforcement as chief of public order AMIA Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionAsti in connection with the retirement superannuation. Has rank - colonel of militia. Criminal charges have not been brought. Has no criminal record. Political party affiliation. Married. His wife works in the Chernivtsi National University. Fedkovych daughter - a student of the CNU. Resides in Chernivtsi. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
