In Khmelnytsky rescuers conduct raids in places near water recreation

people when the court of incredible heat and temperature reaches relatively high marks, all adults and small, are trying to find at least some salvation and go to the water. In those days, people often lose their vigilance and choose natural place to relax inypravdovuyuchy is only that which is indifferent to it were not so hot. Rescuers Vinkovechyny systematically visited destinations as organized and spontaneous to keep reminding travelers about the rules of safe behavior. Particular attention is paid to course unorganized recreation. In these places there is no water bottom surveysenym, in the coastal territory could also be a lot of dangerous things. In addition, children enjoy playing in ponds in a variety of games, jump from Pantone, makeshift bridges and so on. This can lead to emergencies and situations, injuries, and even hybeli people on water. It is only this week provdeno n ’ Five raids in places of rest, during which rescuers conduct raids in places recreation area, communicate with the rest, they explain the rules of safe behavior. As part of preventive conversations Rescue staff brought to the attention of all visitors of coastal sad statistics about people in the hybeliwater, talk about the major dangers that could hide under a “ water blanket & rdquo ;. Dear residents and guests of our country! Be responsible when choosing destinations near water. Try to avoid natural beaches, do not go into the water drunk, long znahodtes direct sunlight! Only your mechness and honesty can guarantee the security of the rest! Take care of yourself and your life! In an emergency, call Rescue “ 101 & rdquo ;! Vinkovetsky PC PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
