Luck: preparing for the new season - one of the objectives in the summer!

One of the assignments Mayor Mykola Romanyuk - preparing the central basin, namely municipal institution "Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve swimming at the town council" to work autumn and winter. According to the plan worklay at the expense of the city budget and borrowed funds being made to repair the lobby, locker rooms small pool bath, toilets, pipes, water heaters dismantling the engine room. The next step - replacement windows, gutters, electrical wiring in the changing rooms, low ceilings arrangement bath basin, water heater replacement. Thosetime sports school pupil Vitaly Alpatov in the national team of Ukraine on swimming, sent to the city of Kazan (Russian Federation), which will protect the honor of the city, region and state competitions in the World Cup, which will take place from 02 to August 9, 2015. Committee of Physical Culture and Sport at the town council Reported atLutsk city council
