In the center of another scandal Uzhgorod real estate

Recently, the regional center have become increasingly controversial questions arise on the property. There then there are situations when people can not agree on any premises. It seems that recently, our publication wrote about the conflict on the street. Korzo, which occurs between the owners and rentalaryamy. By the way, it is still not completed. July 30, near this house again, a new conflict between the shop "Mistress" and one of Uzhgorod entrepreneurs. The dispute arose because the basement, which is inside the house. What exactly happened there, we commented on both sides of the incident. Readalso: In Uzhhorod on Korzo conflict comes to an end - We rent the basement, which is located in the building, which also is our shop. - Says the publication "Carpathian lens" store owner Helen. - We intend to make improvements basement and have already started to repair it. However, we began to interfere with local pidpryyemets who wants to take possession of it. His three people plucked locks on the door of the basement. And yesterday there someone committed a theft, stole shovels, primer and sand. Total damages worth about 3,000 hryvnia. Recently, workers came here to work, which we rented, and the doors hanging is another padlock. Someone damaged electrical wires and pulled out from the city'The meat outlet. Then we called the police to the scene. However, my opponent said, "you shall continue to fight, it will be the second phase." Law enforcers, he presented documents that do not coincide with our basement. After we wrote a statement to the police, the businessman began to threaten us. Spivpratsivnytsya Helen Mary says: "hereour opponents try to do raider attacks room and kicked artists who do not give nothing to do here. This lets not employed them in the basement, which is owned store "Mistress." we again had to call the police because they cut the locks, put target. During our debate I also received from him nuts. Employeeand that we are hired to repair them out. " Victor worker said: "I group of people who came here, they said take the tools and go from here, because they close the basement and I can spend the night there. In short, let him first find out the relationship between them, and then I will be here to conduct repairs " The guy who did not want us to Presenttysya said that his host is available all documents to the basement and he gave them to the police, so that there understood. - Regarding the controversial situation yesterday here in place of the conflict came the police, which I provided all the necessary documents. - Comments on this story our publication Uzhhorod entrepreneur. - According to these documents, I have a right to ownershipness in the basement, all other basements and attics are co-owners of the house and divided according to their shares households. I believe that the lease they have concluded with Uzhgorod City Council is illegitimate and contrary to law. My opponents are regularly cut my lock. The dispute between us is where theBasements are. In support of my inventory is right, I gave the police. In my opinion, violates the rights of the owner of the shop house tenants to use their property. In Uzhhorod Gorotdel police reported that is obtained written statements from both sides, and obtained documents that law enforcement check. John LADZHUN News of Transcarpathia - "Carpathian lens" Told
