Members charity bicycle race "West-East" continues its way Khmelnychyna

participants on July 30 Ukrainian charity bicycle race « West-East » Khmelnytsky went on his way. In the regional center to organizers joined three Podolyan, of which – two employees of Fire and Rescue Service area. RescueMAP penetrated this Ukrainian charitable purpose bicycle race – help Seven ’ pits of dead and wounded soldiers that they could not be apart of such a noble cause. According to the schedule, this day was scheduled to travel and stay in Medzhybizh Letychiv the next morning. Therefore, participants visited historical and cultural reserve «Medzhybizh & raquo ;, where they conducted a tour of the fortress. More cyclists met with a round loaf letychivchany who organized a concert and thanked the organizers for the bicycle race attracting the attention of citizens to the important problems. Note that Ukrainian Bikes « West-East » started on July 16 from the city of Chop, and the DeHb Independence participants arriving to the city Meleve that Luhansk – the destination mileage. The participants plan to overcome daily approximately 50 km bicycle race can join to attend. PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
