World Friendship Day celebrates

on July 30, the world celebrates the International Day of friendship between nations, cultures and all people on Earth. This is one of the newest events in the calendar. The decision to conduct the UN General Assembly adopted the 27 April 2011 at its 65th session. Despite the fact that this seemingly young international holiday calendarand it has its own, unique story. First, such a calendar event as a day of friendship, according to the project, was proposed in the 1920s. This made the US National Association of greeting cards. This proposal has a very distinctive commercial implications. Contributed to the popularization of the idea Joyce Hall, founder of Hallmark Cards (1930). It was proposed to celebrate this day, August 2nd. The cause of this was the desire to give a little to dilute the long holidays between its domestic calendar. By the 1940s. Interest in such a holiday from the New World declined markedly, but similar initiatives have been supported in some Asian countries, where they were taken, even at the officeitsiynomu level. Recall that in the era of modern history theme « Friendship » received considerable attention. The idea of ??the International Day of friendship, race, culture, color or religion, was first offered July 20, 1958 Dr. Artemio Brachio during dinner with friends in Puerto pinasca, Paraguay. It was created Interntraffic, plastic World Friendship Crusade and the selected date July 30. About Company ’ united nations in 2011 proposed state institutions and international and regional organizations to observe this day in accordance with the cultural traditions of the country. The ideological basis for a new date of the Declaration and Programme of Action cooltury world. Especially in the UN resolution emphasized the importance of a new date in the strengthening of friendly relations between nations. &Laquo; friendship between people, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire the efforts to ensure peace and makes it possible to build bridges between societies that honor the cultural diversity & raquo ;, –the document says. In addition, one of the objectives of the International Day of friendship – involving young people, including future leaders in public activities aimed at perception respectful of different cultures. Currently, many countries annually measures Stand ’ related with the promotion of friendship and tolerance towards others. From now on their list and the program will follow the Day of friendship. It is worth noting that the International Day of friendship based UN, – the only festival of this kind. June 9 the International Day of friends, wrote outlook. Told
